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Participants: Nick Dawson, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Julia Pagan, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands, Josh Seidman, Jon Wald, Peggy Zuckerman,

Minutes approved

Welcome New Executive committee members

We welcomed our new Executive Committee members: Jon Wald, President-Elect, and Peggy Zuckerman, member-at-large. Peter Elias, member-at-large, was not able to attend due to prior patient obligations.

Dialogue on SPM and Strategic Goals:

We discussed what we are hearing about SPM from our members and people outside the group to get a sense of the strategic issues we need to work on this year.

American College of Physicians (ACP)

ACP has established a new center for patient and family care. Members of the Executive Committee met with the CEO of ACP and the director of the center. They would like a representative from SPM to be on their board. Danny Sands was appointed to represent us and will meet with them to determine an action plan.

Board of Directors  Update 

We are in the process of inviting some of our active members to join our Board of Directors. We discussed the criteria and guidelines for  board members.

SPM slide presentation, (SPM in a box)

Dave and Danny are putting together a slide presentation (SPM in a box) that will be available to all of our members when they speak or are asked to participate in conferences and meetings. This will provide all of us with a unified message describing who we are and what we do.

Community management

We discussed the guidelines for the listserv that are published on our website, and how we can enforce them.

Development Report

Julia reminded all of us about the East Coast reception to be held on Thursday, October 23, at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. All members are invited to attend. Julia also discussed the SPM Google Hang Out page where 400 people regularly connect. She suggested that we get new members involved in the Google Hang Out page immediately.

Bi-Weekly meeting day and time

Nick polled the Executive Committee to see if everyone is willing to consider a change to the day and/or time of our bi-weekly calls to accommodate our new member-at-large Peter Elias who has a patient clinic on Monday. We will look into a new time that is convenient for everyone.