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Participants:  Hugo Campo, Larry Chu, Dave deBronkart , Nancy Finn, Alan Greene, , John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Michael Millenson, Danny Sands

Minutes from 11/29  approved

Executive Director Update. (John Grohol)

Exec Committee will  make an offer to an individual as part-time executive director. She would start in January, 2013.

Seal Update (Alan Greene)

Log in issues have all been resolved with the exception of logging in from Linked In which is being worked on.

Physicians and patients who wish to sign in and take the pledge can do so via their Facebook and Twitter accounts. It is expected that it will be mostly patients who sign in from social networks to nominate their physician.

Michael is working on verbiage/instructions, that should be completed shortly.

We are still looking for feedback from Society members.

We will wait until Phase II (in several weeks) before we roll out a wide-spread communications campaign.

List Serv (Sarah Krug)

There has been a lot of discussion among our members about the mission of the Society and how the list serve fits into the bigger picture.

The strategic plan sets the direction of the Society going forward and we will communicate the key elements in the plan to our membership as well as our Founders.

Holiday letter (Sarah Krug)

A Holiday Letter written by Sarah will be going out the membership outlining the Society’s accomplishments, providing stats on the blog and the Journal and listing some of the key volunteer initiatives accomplished in 2012.

HIMSS   (Sarah Krug)

We have signed a  patient engagement collaboration agreements with HIMSS.  We have been asked to promote the annual  HIMSS Conferenced, scheduled for March 3-7 in New Orleans. Members can expect to see information about that soon.

Patient Travel Scholarships for Conferences (Sarah Krug)

We need a specific list of conferences that will be held in 2013 that can be considered for these scholarships.

Next  Exec Committee  meeting will be on January 10, followed by a Board Meeting on January 17.