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Participants:  Geri Baumblatt, Dave DeBronkart, Judy Danielson, Dave Dolton, Peter Elias, John Grohol, Matthew Holt, Sarah Krüg, Janice McCallum, Jan Oldenburg, Burt Rosen, Danny Sands, Linda Stotsky, Joe Ternullo, Sue Woods and Vera Rulon.

Approve minutes from last full board meeting—Janice McCallum

Minutes from January 23, 2018 approved.

Janice pointed out that with change to procedure in posting meeting minutes, we will need to move finalized minutes to a folder that is viewable by anyone.  Also need to change the link in Where to Find What at S4PM and tell Danny v Leeuwen to change link in newsletter to point to GDrive.

Treasurer’s Report (financial and membership numbers)–John Grohol

Jan Oldenburg had some questions about levels and types of sponsorship memberships.

Momentum—Danny Sands

Danny wanted to stress that with the number of initiatives we have in progress, we need to maintain a sense of urgency. He recommended that we act as if there is a deadline, even for initiatives that don’t have hard & fast deadlines like the conference last year. We need all hands on deck all the time. In a year’s time, he wants the board of SPM to be able to look back and say “wow, we really accomplished a lot!”

Wins —Joe Ternullo

The successes we achieved in the past month include initiatives with:

  • HIMSS to obtain registration passes to HIMSS18 for patients. 54 SPM members will be attending HIMSS18. Further discussions about strengthening our relationship with HIMSS are ongoing.
  • PCHA/HIMSS to finalize agreement for SMP2018
  • NIST: Danny Sands will present a webinar for NIST; Joe Ternullo, and Dave Dolton involved, too.

See Joe’s progress report for details on these initiatives and other wins.

Marketing and Social MediaLinda Stotsky


  • Social Media: Gained 60 followers on Twitter last month. Linda is reaching out to new followers who look connected to our cause via DM (direct message). She also provided code for SPM discount to attend HIMSS18.
  • Marketing team’s primary goal is to support the membership initiative. Judy has asked for volunteers to work with her on promoting the SPM2018 conference. Tyson will focus on member retention.
  • We will be conducting a Membership survey in conjunction with DSS.  We created member-specific questions around value. The survey will compile other demographic info so we can segment membership. Questions are more general about participatory medicine for non-members.

See Marketing Progress Report for February for more details.

Membership–Burt Rosen

Tyson Ortiz has done a lot of good work analyzing churn rate/retention rate. They set a high-level objective for 2018 of reaching 1,000 members by end of year. That represents a big jump but they want to have an ambitious goal.

The document that lays out the objectives can be found  by clicking on the link in this document.

The team wants to encourage non-board members to support membership.

Dave Dolton: are we still considering > 1 year membership, a part of lifetime membership.

Danny Sands emphasized that we shouldn’t focus solely on the simple metric of # members; rather we need to recruit the right people, people who will renew and will contribute to the organization.

Burt noted that the conference that Burt’s org leads is considering how to involve SPM.  He is working w Alex Albin to have some patient travel awards. HealthSparq, Burt’s company, also will likely fund some travel funds.

Member engagement (Connect, Town Halls)—Peter Elias/Linda Stotsky

Town Halls will be added to SPM events calendar. Events on calendar will help people see who else from SPM is attending.

The 1st Town Hall will be held on Tuesday, March 20 at 7pm ET. See: for more information.

Peter asked for input on what we want the members at large to report to the board. The M-a-L team also serves role in communicating to  membership what the Board is doing. Danny Sands told Peter that he can let membership know they can reach out to Board at any time, not just in Town Hall.

Fundraising/Pipeline/Lead generation—Danny Sands – Tabled due to time constraints.

Journal—Sue Woods

Gunther Eysenbach & Sue are trying to put together a plan to request that NLM reconsider indexing JOPM sooner than the 2-year timeframe that NLM offered when the recent request was not accepted.

Sue noted that we have two new editorial board members for the JOPM. She also had conversation with BMJ, where patients are included in the review of 80% of their articles, about a possible alliance on the Learning Exchange.

Advocacy—Vera Rulon

Michael Millenson forwarded information about supporting AHRQ funding in the federal budget (it is targeted for elimination with some objectives absorbed by NIH).  The SPM Board voted to approve to support AHRQ as an organization and will submit a letter.

Vera spoke about the focus of the Advocacy team on the high level theme of ownership of medical records.  More detail is included in Advocacy progress report for February.

Doc Tom Ferguson Award for 2018Tabled

See progress report by Dave de Bronkart here.

Governance/By-laws–Dave Dolton

We’re still at very beginning. Dave spoke with Danny van Leeuwen and formed the basis of early thinking around what governance should be doing. The nominating process and governance are the two main items. Key principle is that Board should be accountable to membership. Danny Sand’s willingness to speak to members at any time is perfect example of accountability.

Learning Exchange and Fall Conference—Sarah Krüg

Will send email out to members to request input on what to cover at SPM2018 and in Learning Exchanges. The first topic will be the “cheery” topic of social isolation & loneliness. Speaker invitations have been sent. They are still looking for patient/person to speak about their situation.

Danny suggests reaching out to corporate members for speakers.

Travel Awards—Matthew Holt

Matthew reported that they have some HIMSS travel funds leftover and he suggests possibly increasing travel grant amount in the future.

Organizational alliances—Jan Oldenburg

Jan reported that the committee has worked on defining categories of affiliate organization relationships and how affiliates will be differentiated from regular sponsors. Updates are in the February progress report.

Next full board meeting March 27, 2018 at 4pm

Respectfully submitted,
Janice McCallum
SPM Board Secretary