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Members Present:  Danny Sands, Randy Houk, Joe Ternullo, Vera Rulon, Judy Danielson, Jay Spitulnik, John Grohol, Brian Mack, Tim Blevins, Astra Titus, Kistein Monkhouse, Matthew Holt, Sue Woods

Full attendance record available here.

Welcome: Joe

Approve Minutes from last three committee meetings

Danny motions to approve.  Jay seconds.  Unanimous approval.

ED Update and Fundraising: Joe speaks for Randy

Review of dashboard Randy created. Doing well in fundraising. Chart viewable in Google Docs. Two major home fundraising events coming up in May and June.  New initiative in works in Worcester for underserved.  Randy requests help from Board with referrals to potential corporate contacts.

Discussion: Danny says warm handoffs are really critical. Joe offers to be point person between Board and Randy (i.e., you can send contacts to Joe first). Danny suggests that there are various people at organizations who might be the right contact for funding.  Tim would like a checklist Board could use to track contacts. Vera asks how funding will be used.  Danny clarifies that we’re interested in funding, not grants. Judy tells Board that marketing documents are available on Google Drive.  Matthew wants to know if there are alternatives we can offer to a corporate sponsor. Mary requests that Board contact Joe and/or Randy with their network by next meeting.  Joe, Mary, Sarah and Judy will be working on grants. Jay and Vera have offered to help.  Contact Randy if a Board member can help with grant writing or reviewing.

Q1 Priorities Review: Discussion

Review of the “traffic light” document (Red/Yellow/Green for how far along they are in development).  First review: underserved project. Second: CLE.  Healthsparq is a sponsor. Mary reiterates doing the hard work now to see it to fruition in Q2. Mary reviews a proposal to Carequest (advancing oral health and inequities). Mary wants research library, membership, website updates ready for next meeting.

Q1 Financial Review: Joe

Debbie prepared a report. Spending largely on consultants. Joe would like to invest in QuickBooks to simplify reporting.

New Board member recruitment: Mary

Bylaws say we can go up to 20 members.  Mary suggests we use the same process for choosing as we did in 2019.  Danny asks about have we thought about pros and cons of a large Board.  Decision to replace calling a candidate “diverse” with “inclusive.” Tina Brown-Stevenson (SVP, Health System Analytics and Decision Support for UnitedHealthcare) interested in SPM.  Mary requests Board add her to candidate list and send her an inquiry.  Selection document on Google Docs.  Joe asks should we consider a seat for an (outside) corporate board member?

Other Business: Mary

Any thoughts, send to Mary via email

Adjourned at  7:30 — Next meeting: May 24, 2022, 6:00 – 7:30 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary