{"id":15825,"date":"2014-01-13T15:38:16","date_gmt":"2014-01-13T20:38:16","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/pmedicine.org\/epatients\/?p=15825"},"modified":"2014-01-14T08:01:42","modified_gmt":"2014-01-14T13:01:42","slug":"husband-wife-pieces-in-ny-times-and-the-guardian-break-ethics-and-lack-a-clue-re-adamslisa","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/participatorymedicine.org\/epatients\/2014\/01\/husband-wife-pieces-in-ny-times-and-the-guardian-break-ethics-and-lack-a-clue-re-adamslisa.html","title":{"rendered":"Husband-wife pieces in NY Times and The Guardian break ethics and lack a clue (re @AdamsLisa)"},"content":{"rendered":"

Update 9:20 pm ET: see important additions at the subhead below. When I wrote this today I didn’t have time to dig for excellent links like those. Thanks to Susannah Fox’s Twitter feed.<\/em><\/p>\n

One of the best social media patient figures I met, long ago, was @AdamsLisa<\/a> – Lisa Bonchek Adams of LisaBAdams.com<\/a>.\u00a0There’s a firestorm today in the SPM member listserv and on social media over a pair of pieces that are in my view incredibly offensive and clueless, utterly missing the point of the value of social media. I find this patently offensive, and apparently there’s more to it than that – writer Emma Keller didn’t tell Lisa she was working on a story, published private emails and DM’s from Lisa without asking, and\u00a0didn’t even tell her the piece had been published.<\/em> What the heck??<\/p>\n

And yet the headline of her piece questioned\u00a0Lisa’s\u00a0<\/em>ethics in tweeting her own illness!<\/p>\n

Here are some initial readings:<\/p>\n