{"id":21604,"date":"2020-03-09T09:17:25","date_gmt":"2020-03-09T13:17:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/participatorymedicine.org\/epatients\/?p=21604"},"modified":"2020-03-09T09:22:05","modified_gmt":"2020-03-09T13:22:05","slug":"this-three-minute-video-shows-harm-of-information-blocking","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/participatorymedicine.org\/epatients\/2020\/03\/this-three-minute-video-shows-harm-of-information-blocking.html","title":{"rendered":"Three minute patient video nails the suffering from information blocking"},"content":{"rendered":"

Six weeks ago we hosted the Patient\/caregiver letter supporting proposed HHS rules on improving flow of our data<\/a>. It’s a crowdsourced collection of stories of how patients suffered, were harmed, incurred costs or delays because their own health data wasn’t at the point of need – or benefitted when data was <\/em>available. A dozen more stories were added in comments. It was kindled by SPM member Morgan Gleason, produced with my help and posted here.<\/p>\n

Last week several of us, including SPM member Grace Cordovano, were invited to participate in the HealthDevJam<\/a> preconference that was to be today, at the opening of the HIMSS health IT conference in Orlando. We created this silent three minute video giving a new format to these stories.<\/p>\n