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Present: John, Gonzalo, Danny, Sarah, Sue, Alan, Jon, Deb

  • A discussion about how to increase attendance to the corporate member salon:
    • SF – Danny to provide numbers on our next call
    • Boston – Still recruiting
  • Groups and Individuals who might offer helpful perspective on how to present the SPM Value Proposition for our corporate members:
    • Emily from Edlmen might be of some help
    • Patient Rights group has been interested in working on a mission statement, and would be happy to give feedback on a draft. (Doing that now re the JOPM mission stmt.)
    • Nancey Finn
    • Also Communications Team should, of course, have input to a media package.
  • Reconstituting  the board – (Alan to take point)
    • We discussed what personalities and professional profiles we’re missing and briefly started to identify a few gaps we wanted to fill
  • Review of SPMs structure and how each group contributes:
    • Board  – larger decision making body of SPM based off of member observation and feedback
    • Exec board – day to day activities of SPM
    • Committees- can post online
    • Working groups – contribute content and recommendations to be posted and responded to via board and exec board
    • Members – direct contact to all of these groups and the ability to publish blog posts and articles

Sue: Asks us to be more specific in identifying who’s in the space – what organizations do we have connections with – and to produce a spread sheet outlining our mutual understanding of the field. No other group has this type of participation from members and we have an important void to fill regarding the needs of this population.


  • The Journal was indexed in Medline (!)
  • David Harlow’s Policy Group is  pleased to report that there are a number of our recommendations incorporated into the final plan  (see pp. 36ff of the plan document for Goal IV – direct link to PDF:, and a number of others acknowledged as issues to be contended with over the coming years.  I am reaching out to ONC to see whether folks there will be open to including S4PM in the roster of organizations to be represented in future discussions on these issues and/or whether they are open to dialogue with the Society in other formats.

