- Review President’s letter (Danny)
- Review of last meeting’s minutes
- We should reach out and thank those who ran for the elections (Dave and Alan)
- Introductions (Sue Woods, Alan Greene, Danny Sands, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Dave deBronkart, John Grohol, Sarah Krug)
- Addressing the issue of terms ending – many terms are ending soon
- How should we go about reconstituting the Board
- What are ways to get strong leadership on the Exec Board
- Review of upcoming Prospective Corporate Member Events (Salons) and discussion of how to:
- Establish a sustainable revenue stream
- We give the majority of our content away but how do we help potential sponsors internally-justify a membership of $15K
- SPMs Professional/Patient balance at every level of membership makes the organization unique but needs more to drive revenue
- Use our developing value proposition
- Get paid staff involved in our day to day management
- Establish a sustainable revenue stream
- Sue Woods highlighted the importance of our mission statement as so much of our work over the next year will stem from that
- Danny Sands asks newly elected exec-committee members to take on a project or initiative to make it their own. This will help them demonstrate leadership and help the Society. (Sue, Sarah and Gonzalo)