Seal Web Program:
- Want to make the database something that can be queered with the potential of plug into other organizations physician search (that we could bring in as corp members)
- It’s going to live on / do we have a user experience designer / journal template
- Lygeia would like to go after Yelp, Health Grades, Healthline, best doctors etc to get them using the seal
- There might be a potential
- Alan to put together project plan
Board Reconstitution:
- We’ll need some people to rotate off and need to identify new people
- Next call we need to know new people
- Second to next call we need to settle on a plan
- Chairmen of the board / Prez Elect to run meeting (Danny to follow up on that)
Social Media Update:
- Difficult to pull people together given that they’re working in multiple timezones and off volunteer time
- Original plan
- Only baseline stuff has been accomplished because we need more consistent work
- Twitter Chat
- Nancy Finn (Sarah and Emily Hackel) working on corp engagement
- Basecamp being used to coordinate