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Exec Committee meeting 10-4-12

Participants: Sarah Krug, president, Hugo Campos, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Alan Greene, Larry Chu, Michael Millenson

Talk of using Body 2.0 at Health 2 Con meeting to recruit new SPM members.

Details of how Seal program to be announced at Health 2.0 were discussed and how the 3 elements are to be discussed.

Next full board meeting at 11:30 am to 1 pm Eastern on Oct. 18.

HHS proposed rule on patients getting lab results directly has “gone quiet.”

A letter to get the administration to put the reg on front burner is going from SPM. forum will be tried for another 3 months and then members surveyed before a final decision made.

Executive Director update: 37 responses  winnowed to 19. John will winnow further. Then have a committee recruited to  get it down to 5 or 6 interviewees. John reports that all  candidates  are  “very impressive”

Discussed travel funds disbursement to Regina Holliday in connection with Partnership with Patients and funding basis for future requests. Need more funding stability and criteria.