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Attendees: Hugo Campo, Dave deBronkart, Nancy Finn, Alan Greene, John Grohol, Barbara Kornblau, Sarah Krug, Michael Millenson, Danny Sands

Suggestions from our Executive Director:

Establish more formal committee structure
Send out an appeal to membership for volunteers for specific initiatives.


Agreed that minutes should be  a precise summary and not a lot of detail. Keep the members informed with a monthly communication. Discussion about posting minutes on web site as News. No conclusion until we determine what changes are needed to the web site. 


Will send a communication providing an overview of our collaboration agreement with HIMSS  to our members. 

Approved the dissemination of SPM business card and pins at HIMSS conference

Post HIMSS events page on our website where our members will be speaking –

Seal Update

Sign in for everyone with email and password; twitter and facebook option for those who wish.

Managing health through Data Sources

A social media campaign that encourages individuals to share Instagram photos that illustrate how they use data to manage their health. It is intended to spur creativity, motivate and inspire others to use data to manage their health, engage existing SPM members, attract new members and build community around  SPM.