Participants: Ileana Balcu, Carla Berg, Nick Dawson, Dave deBronkart, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Julia Pagan (Director of Development) Danny Sands, Josh Seidman, Kati Smalley (Project Manager)
Minutes Approved
Julia Pagan was introduced to the Committee and outlined her agenda as follows:
• A roadmap for our projects and how to achieve funding to meet our long term goals.
• Forty-five day development agenda to map out the fundraising strategy.
• Development of a three -year plan.
Relationship map
Nick continues to lead the work on a four-dimensional relationship map that reflects the kinds of organizations we want to connect and collaborate with, and the organizations we compete with. The Executive Committee will submit names of organizations to Nick and we will ask the membership to contribute as well.
AMIA symposium proposal
AMIA has offered SPM a few day passes to their Fall Conference in Washington D.C. We will offer these to our members who are located in the D.C. area.
Crowd Funding our Web Site
Carla has been investigating the opportunity for crowd funding a new web site. She will work with Julia to develop a strategy.
HIMSS has approached SPM and requested that we recommend an SPM member who could serve as a patient care-giver for their Patient Advisory Committee. They are also looking for other opportunities for collaboration. Members are welcome to contact the Executive Committee or Ileana Balcu with ideas.