Participants: Mandy Bishop, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, John Hoben, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands, Joe Ternullo, Jonathan Wald, Ken Yale, Peggy Zuckerman
Minutes approved
New Board members
Danny introduced new two board members Mandy Bishop and Ken Yale. Their bios are posted on the website.
Membership and Treasurer’s report, John Grohol
John reported that we have a couple of new corporate sponsors, 435 active members, and 58 lifetime members. We have also made our initial payments to Higher Logic for our new communication platform that will replace our listserv. The fee for Higher Logic has been generously funded by several of our members and by the Boston Foundation.
New website, John Grohol
John Grohol is working with two new members who have had experience in web design and restructure. They expect to have a new web site launched during the first quarter of 2017.
Fall Conference Reports, Danny Sands
Health 2.0: Sarah Krug and Danny Sands were involved in the Health 2.0 conference, and SPM sponsored a well-attended reception which brought in some new members for us.
Connected Health at Connected Health Danny Sands was the Emcee on Friday representing SPM. We also had a booth in the exhibit hall and a successful reception with over 100 attendees.
We need to start planning for Spring events and discussed Health Data Palooza held in Washington, DC at the end of April. Members are urged to submit other spring conference events to the Board for consideration.
SPM will hold a board retreat on Saturday November 19 at the home of President Elect Joe Ternullo in Lynnfield MA. We reviewed the agenda for the retreat that include discussions around marketing, branding, membership, and fundraising.
Update on Elections
We are still considering candidates for two open positions as member-at-large and for President Elect. Interested members are urged to contact Danny Sands.
Update on SPM/ Weill Cornell research library, Danny Sands
An official announcement and press release about our partnership with Weill Cornell to build a research repository on participatory medicine will be released shortly
Update on Learning Exchange, Sarah Krug
The first trial-run Learning Exchange will be held on November 10, 3-4 pm Eastern, and is open to the public. The purpose of the Learning Exchange is to provide our members with a platform to showcase their individual work that impacts participatory medicine. From the Learning Exchange, we will capture metrics on how we are moving the needle collectively. These webinars will be archived and available for our members to view.
Update on the Journal, Danny Sands
We are reviewing with the Journal editors how to better use the Journal Editorial and Advisory Boards and considering other alliances that could boost the circulation and efficiency of the Journal.
Next Board meeting – January 10 2017,
We discussed whether the board meetings should be held more often and tabled that decision until after the retreat.