Participants: Mandy Bishop, Kyra Bobinet, Dave DeBronkart, Judy Danielson, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Bruno Nardone, Danny Sands, John Steiner, Joseph Ternullo, Jon Wald, Sue Woods, Tracy Zervakis
Minutes Approved
Membership and Treasurers Report, John Grohol
No change in membership.
New idea for increasing our treasury by offering opportunities for sponsorships by members of various forums on Higher Logic. Board will take this under consideration.
Marketing Update, Judy Danielson
We will soon have a new brochure available in both hard copy and online. We have also worked on a new definition of participatory medicine which the Executive Committee approved.
Participatory Medicine is a movement in which patients and their healthcare professionals actively collaborate and support one another as full partners in health
From a poll of the members we have support to change our SPM acronym to S4PM.
Web site, John Grohol
The website renovation is progressing and we expect to review the wireframes in the next few days and are exploring various templates as well. We are looking for individuals who could volunteer to do the content development for the site.
Newsletter, Susan Woods
We are evaluating the newsletter role and structure and who is going to be in charge of soliciting and guiding content and handing it off to able and ready copy editors. Some members would like to see the newsletter focus on news and information that highlights the activities of the Society and includes a letter from our President each month. We invite members to provide their input about the newsletter by contacting Sue Woods>
Higher Logic Forum, Peter Elias
We will be sending a notification shortly to all members to get them on Higher Logic . User satisfaction is very appears to be very high once you get Higher Logic set up. Once our members are set up on Higher Logic we eliminate the listserv. Members can become activated on Higher Logic by going to There is a link on our website.
Learning Exchange, Sarah Krug
The next Learning Exchange is going to be held on April 19. 2017 at 3 pm and focus on the Cost of Diagnostics. The Society has partnered with the American College of Radiology to present this webinar. Pre-registration is required. The Learning Exchange is open to our members and to the community. Speakers include:
• Matt Hawkins, MD, Pediatric Interventional Radiologist, Assistant Professor, Emory University School of Medicine
• Sarah Krüg, Exec Director, Society for Participatory Medicine; CEO, CANCER101; Founder, Health Collaboratory
• Emmy Ganos, PhD, Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
• Jennifer Coleman, MHSA, FACHE, CMM, Executive Director, Grand Traverse Radiologists
• Andrea Borondy Kitts, Lung Cancer & Patient Advocate, Consultant, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, The University of Connecticut Health Center
Advocacy, John Steiner
The Advocacy Committee is considering several topics and will choose one that they will focus on. Under consideration are:
1. The Affordable Care Act
2. Patient access to their medical records what are the impediments
3. Payment for molecule diagnostic tests that advance personalized medicine.
The board agreed that we would survey the membership to solicit ideas. .Also discussed were collaborations with other organizations and the need to develop an advocacy process for timely and urgent issues that arise.
Research Library, Mandy Bishop
We are reigniting the media blitz for the research library, collecting list of journalists and outlets, and social media accounts.
SIPS, Mandy Bishop
We are trying to determine which of our members are going to the spring conferences including Datapalooza and AHIP.
Next Board meeting, on April 25 will focus on membership recruitment.