Participants: Dave DeBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands Linda Stotsky, Joe Ternullo, Jon Wald,
Minutes Approved Joe asked for a volunteer to take minutes during Nancy Finn’s absence due to surgery
Conference Update, Joe, Sarah
We have five keynote speakers and several panelists now confirmed. We still need to recruit panelists. We will circulate a draft agenda looking for speaker recommendations for panels. We need suggestions for the Roundtables by Labor Day. Please provide suggestions on our Google Doc.
Judy has provided a paragraph description of our conference to Deanna Grosbaum. for registration. We also need to give her the agenda which we will post on Connected Health website and link to our website. This will provide us with great visibility among the Connected Health registrants.
Danny has volunteered to help create a page for our website on the conference.
Danny has asked Mandi Bishop to assume the role of membership chair and develop a membership recruitment/retention strategic plan.
Interoperability (for our various databases, including Higher Logic), Dave and Peter
We discussed integrating the higher logic database and the Wild Apricot (member database. We also discussed the question of how long a grace period, do we want to extend to our lapsed members. It is currently 30 days.
Future Leadership, Joe
Danny will circulate the future leadership list. We have not had any new additions and need to be diligent in insuring that we recruit more committed people to serve on the board.
Retreat, Joe
Seven board members have responded but many have not. We need to set an agenda for the retreat that will establish the way forward.
Town Meeting
A Town Meeting is scheduled for tonight at 7 pm.