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Participants:  Geri Baumblatt, Dave DeBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Matthew Holt, Sarah Krüg, Janice McCallum, Jan Oldenburg, Burt Rosen, Danny Sands, Joe Ternullo, Sue Woods

Approve minutes from last full board meeting  Janice McCallum

Minutes from June 26, 2018 meeting approved.

Environmental Scan–what are you hearing about?   All

Janice mentioned recent reporting by NPR/ProPublica on data aggregators, such as Lexis Nexis. Bill Marder from Truven/IBM Watson, who will speak at SPM2018, can provide context on how aggregators have operated and can provide a view to the future.

Governance/By-laws                                Dave Dolton

Jan & Janice volunteered to be on committee with Dave. First  objective is to review and update bylaws; 2nd objective is to better define the board structure and nominating process. Dave has begun the process of determining what needs to be changed in bylaws. Jan & Janice will be a sounding board for him. Ideally, by next board, have something prepared to address & discuss.

Sue asked if there is a validated checklist for board bylaws. is best source that Dave Dolton has found.

Jan asked if we have considered training for board members. Dave agreed that training/onboarding for new board members is a great idea and said best practices include training.

Danny Sands also mentioned that we should start thinking about adding staff, e.g., a part-time executive director. It could happen sooner than later and we should be prepared for this change in by-laws and in practice.

Marketing and Social Media                  Judy Danielson

Judy was not on the call and Danny announced that Linda Stotsky has resigned from the board and is stepping down from leading social media. However, she will continue to contribute to social media as a member of S4PM. Danny has recruited another member, @WheezyNurse, Amber Soucy, to take over. She’s very social media savvy and will be a great representative of younger generation.  

#SPM2018 Conference Update                  Joe Ternullo/Sarah Krüg

We have approved a budget for the conference. A low assumption of sponsorships was built in to the budget. Any & all sponsorships will flow to bottom line.

Joe: we need everyone’s support to achieve budget success. In particular, we need everyone on the board to contribute to three things: 1) drive registrations; 2) close on at least 1 sponsor; 3) commitment from each board member to identify sponsors.

Furthermore, if there are board members who can sponsor in some capacity, that would be terrific. Dave Dolton points out that people can contribute in different ways.

Janice asked about conference tag to include in our email signatures. Judy will work on it.

Matthew asked if  we have a list of corporations that we’re targeting. Danny: we have a list of current sponsors and we’re adding to it on ad hoc basis.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 from the conference – a stretch goal. Matthew suggests we create a list of about 200 companies to target. He further points out that foundations will write pretty sizable checks for events. Agreed we will build list of target sponsors & share it; everyone can review it & highlight if they know someone at a target organization to personally contact.

Danny: Matthew, Danny & Joe will convene on this topic to kick it off.

Sarah briefly reviewed the format of the agenda for the conference with presentations & panels in the morning; a session on elements of healthcare not directed related to doctor’s office and the collaborative design of the participatory medicine manifesto in the afternoon.

Learning Exchange–Next and future needs   Sarah Krüg

We have completed 2 Learning Exchange webinars and have 3 more to go this year. 81 people have registered for the August webinar. For the last webinar on caregiving, we had 66 registered; 38 participated real-time the day of the webinar. Hashtag for Learning Exchange webinars is: #SPMLearning.

Upcoming webinars:

August 22: Translating the Patient Story into Action

Sept 11: Digital Hype v Reality.

These are free webinars open to everybody; we need help marketing the Learning Exchange webinars to demonstrate our ability to attract large audiences to our events.

Membership                                               Burt Rosen

No noticeable movement in membership.

Danny: we need to be recruiting leaders who are prospective board members. 2 members at large. Treasurer. President-elect. Please nominate people.

Joe suggests elections in November & “inauguration” in January. He asked if Dave Dolton’s governance work will affect who we’re trying to recruit.

Dave Dolton: We need to define what types of board members we’re looking for: e.g., patients, clinicians, millennials.

Danny: we’ve had conversations about board composition in the past. Characteristics of the person is perhaps most important.

Burt: We want people who can do the work, but also, we want people who can help us determine what the work we want to do is.

Danny emphasizes that we need to start creating a list.

Dave Dolton: Board structure is precisely what we want to address in Governance. He’ll flip order & focus on recruitment & vetting. Give us a couple of weeks & we’ll come back with best practices. Jan agrees.

Burt mentioned that he has a new job.

Alliances                                                     Jan Oldenburg  

Jan has some substantive questions & would like to be on agenda with more time. She asks that we all review conversations in the Alliances group on Connect. Peter wants to continue conversations in the Alliances community, not during board meetings.

Sue suggests we need to answer a fundamental question about what SPM brings to the table for prospective alliance partners. We have to be clear when approaching potential partners about what they gain from partnering with us.

Doc Tom Ferguson Award for 2018        Dave deBronkart/Nancy Finn

Dave deBronkart said there will be a community or thread on Connect.


AHA Leadership-Dave Dolton will be in San Diego for meeting.

Next full board meeting August 28, 2018 at 4pm

Respectfully submitted,
Janice McCallum
SPM Board Secretary