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Board Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2018     
Participants:  Geri Baumblatt, Dave DeBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krüg, Janice McCallum, Jan Oldenburg, Burt Rosen, Danny Sands, Linda Stotsky, Joe Ternullo, Sue Woods, Michael Millenson, Vera Rulon

Minutes from May 22, 2018 meeting approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Financial and Membership)                John Grohol

John described some recent fraudulent activity related to a travel fund award check. We should get money back from bank insurance. All agreed we should tighten our screening process, especially when working with affiliate organizations and certain regions.

Wins                                                                     All

Advocacy work to send input to HHS re: patient access to data & interoperability. Vera Rulon, Michael Millenson, Richard Gibson, Lygeia Ricciardi & other SPM members were involved in crafting the letter.

Joe suggests we publicly thank those involved in the newsletter and president’s letter.

Chicago chapter development headed by Geri Baumblatt called out for great progress. SPM is supporting her efforts with small grant. Some SPM members will participate in her next meetup on July 9. Danny points out that we’d like to replicate Geri’s progress in other regions.

Environmental Scan–what are you hearing about?   All

Dave deBronkart is very excited about developments with standards and interoperability within the FHIR community and points out that

Jan pointed out that the Heart Initiative has a whitepaper that emphasizes user-controlled permissions/consent for sharing health records data—and said she will post the whitepaper on Connect [or G Drive].

Governance/By-laws                                Dave Dolton

Dave is taking a high-level view of a governance framework for SPM. Governance should include checks & balances and rules for elevating issues. Issues include: do we need to update bylaws; board member terms; ongoing roles of former board members, etc.

Dave Dolton suggests that we form a Governance Committee with 3 members, including himself. He wants to solicit interest in being part of the committee. Dave needs a sounding board as he develops the process for enhancing governance structure. The committee needs to be self-governing.

Sarah points out that as we seek additional funding sources, some will require a more formal governance structure.

Peter and Jan ask why we have to have the committee composed of only board members and suggest we also consider other SPM members who have board experience.

Danny recommends that he, as board chairman, be included on the committee. Sue questions that recommendation and suggests that we need some representation from newer members.

Dave Dolton responds that our board includes several members who only recently joined the board, so we aren’t ignoring member input based on current term structure. He recommends cycling board members through committees, too, so that the composition represents diverse viewpoints. Plus, we can solicit input from members.

Transparency Proposal                           Peter Elias

Peter prepared a draft that was designed for discussion by the executive committee. The goal is to make the structure more transparent, so that the work of the board is more visible. He wants members to be more informed so that they can more easily get more involved. His hypothesis is that members will be more engaged and will be more likely to renew their memberships if they are more aware of ongoing initiatives and can participate in early stages of initiatives, as well help decide priorities for new initiatives.

Peter also laid out the technical issues related to Higher Logic, the company behind our Connect platform for SPM conversations.

Sue mentioned parallels to OpenNotes, where notes were opened from a launch date forward and older data was archived.

Next steps: Peter will prepare a proposal and request we start with a 6-month trial.

Marketing and Social Media                   Judy Danielson/Linda Stotsky

Social media update is posted on G Drive.

Judy announced the imminent availability of the communications style guide & toolkit. The  Guide provides consistent templates and images/logos and describes how to use them.

#SPM18 Conference Update                  Joe Ternullo/Sarah Krüg

Joe sent a summary of progress on agenda and speakers for SPM18, as well as marketing. Joe created draft of logistical issues. He emphasized that we have lofty goals and all board members need to help encourage registrations and help with sponsorships. Sponsorship prospectus is available.

Sarah will release first version of agenda by early next week. Co-design of a participatory medicine manifesto is built into the conference now. Conference team approved this new approach and will be used in marketing.

Judy: conference info will be posted on the website soon.

Learning Exchange–Next and future needs   Sarah Krüg

Five more webinars are planned. Archive of first webinar on Social Isolation is now posted. Caregiving webinar is scheduled for July 20 at noon ET. Other 4 are in the works with teams of 2 leading the effort for each Learning Exchange webinar.

Membership                                               Burt Rosen

Burt reported that Tyson Ortiz had to step down from his membership work due to other commitments, but had completed some valuable work on the framework for tracking member data.

Alliances                                                     Jan Oldenburg  

Jan asked that we sign up for the Alliances discussion on Connect. She wants input on what we are seeking from partners – and what we have to offer to prospective partners. Think about, for instance, how comfortable we are promoting materials from other organizations. What do we really want to accomplish with alliances we set up? She wants input from other members on the Connect community.

Key areas of alignment: partners who can help us extend memberships, support & promote participatory medicine, and support our four pillars. Also, partners who can also become sponsors are of among those we want to target.


Next Town Hall is Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 7 pm ET.  

Next full board meeting July 24, 2018 at 4pm
Respectfully submitted,
Janice McCallum
SPM Board Secretary