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Participants: Judy Danielson, Dave deBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Joe Ternullo, Linda Stotsky,, Danny Sands, Susan Woods, Jon Wald

Debrief of Oct 25 Inaugural SPM Conference, Joe, Sarah

We had an amazing team led by Joe and Sarah who kept us totally on track. Our total count was 130 registered attendees, plus walk-ins with standing room only. We had a tremendous group of keynote speakers and panelists.  Overall the keynote speakers were rated higher than the panels.The Executive committee voted unanimously to offer complimentary membership to all speakers. Dave DeBronkart is writing a blog post for each of the plenary sessions with the video and one paragraph description of the session.We need to follow up with table top facilitators  and note takers to give us their notes for an article for the blog or journal. All SPM member received a follow-up note about the conference.  All attendees at the conference received the President’s letter and the list of registrants We will be meeting with PCHA regarding the planning of the conference for next year.

Debrief on benefits of exhibiting, Judy

The Booth brought in 30 new members; We had lots of visitors and many conversations with prospective corporate members.  We could have used more collateral, particularly material for corporate sponsors and something interactive that could attract attention.

To Dos for next year:

More interaction among the audience with the speakers; More opportunities for networking.  In our Pre-planning – Need a Review of conference styles and determination of what works and what does not work. We need to decide whether we want to keep our conference to one day or expand to two days .and whether we want to continue with this venue or move to a venue with better parking at a lower price.

Review of SPM annual retreat held on October 28, 2017, Peter Elias (see notes from the retreat posted on Connect)

Open Positions, 2017-2018  Election  Hope to have all the candidates for next year including President Elect, Secretary, Members at Large in place by Thanksgiving.