Participants: Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Joe Ternullo
Minutes Approved
SPM Conference October 25
55 people currently registered for the conference. We need to drive registration. The room will hold 100 plus individuals. The Executive Committee agreed to send an email to our membership with the following questions:
- Are you attending?
- Do you have questions?
- Can you drive registrations
SPM Retreat October 28
There will be a dinner the evening before the retreat, following the end of Connected Health. In evaluating the 13 goals discussed at the 2016 retreat, we have the following results:
Membership Ongoing effort to meet membership goals; new committee formed to run an active membership recruitment and retention campain.
Sponsorship goal met with nine sponsors,
Internal communication goal met with our newsletter, published quarterly; several  town meetings, monthly letter from the President.Marketing/Branding goals met with new website, brochures, press releases, successful twitter presence, Facebook page.
Advocacy met with our developing strategy with a new leadership team Blog  not yet updated
External event/Conferences – met with our SPM conference and two events that we supported.
Communication platform met. With implementation of Higher Logic
Research journal met with agreement with JMIR
Education Learning Exchange met with two Learning Exchange sessions in 2017
Research Library Cornell Weill- still under development
Course curriculum development met  for the AMA
Retreat We discussed the purpose of the retreat; agreed that this year we should focus strategic look at what we wish to accomplish, including   goals and objectives for SPM in 2018-2019.
Open Discussion  What is the future of this organization: should we consider merging with another similar minded organization?    –
SPM Leadership  We have an election coming up and need to elect a president elect, secretary and two members at large. Interested candidates should notify the executive committee.