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Please alert us to articles published by SPM members recently or not so recently. Include a citation and a link anyone can access. If the article is behind a paywall, please note that.

Seven Elements of Effective Clinical Communication. Vocera. Liz Boehm.

In Pursuit of Resilience, Well-Being, and Joy in Healthcare. (Webinar) Vocera. Liz Boehm.

Communication at Transitions: One Audacious Bite at a Time. Journal of Participatory Medicine.  Danny van Leeuwen.

Conquering the Next Frontier: Healthcare Experience Literacy. Medium. Grace Cordovano.

Top 4 Mistakes in Patient-Centered Ambitions. Medium. Grace Cordovano.

Prescribe Me a Story. Medium. Lissanthea TaylorTime For Your Social Network’s Colonoscopy: Helping People Take Action and Gleaning New Insights. Association for Patient Experience. Geri Lynn Baumblatt & Shai Levi