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This is a difficult time for our world, our society, and us as individuals, patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals—all of us are being stretched to our limits. This pandemic is exposing the gaping chasms in our healthcare systems and public health infrastructure, and is disrupting all of our lives, some more than others. For the geographies where the virus has gained an earlier foothold, our hearts go out to you; the rest of us will likely follow.

We offer some resources to help you. Feedback on additional ideas for this page welcome in comments below.

Epidemiology & Clinical Aspects of COVID-19

Note: this is a novel virus and our knowledge base is constantly evolving. What you read anywhere today may no longer be accurate in a week so look for resources that have been updated recently, such as these.

Prevention and Self-care


Free Offerings from Our Corporate Partners

Share Your Thoughts

What are you doing to manage during this unprecedented time? How are you coping? How are you helping others? We welcome you to anonymously share your thoughts here.

Also, consider sharing your thoughts over at the Health Story Collaborative, an organization SPM has partnered with during the pandemic.

Read what others have shared (can scroll table to right to read):



This page was authored and developed by Danny Sands and Brian Mack.