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Board Members Present:  Danny Sands, Debra Cobb, Eric Bersh, Joe Ternullo, Mary Hennings, Judy Danielson, Burt Rosen, Brian Mack, Lynda Mitchell, John Grohol, Jan Oldenburg, Sarah Krug, Helene Clayton-Jeter, Matthew Holt

Full attendance record available here.

Welcome                                                                              Hennings

Minutes from last board meeting                                  Bersh

Brian. Danny.  Approved.

Treasurer-Membership Report                                         Cobb

$138K on hand.

News and Updates                                                      Hennings

Committee structures. 1) Membership: goals and accountability sent out on January 20 on G-Drive. Connecting with members. “Touch points,” in a regular way. Recruit Board members and others to assist. Goals: A) Do plan; coordinate with marketing committee; town halls; newsletter (February) would be sent 2nd week of month in advance of Town Halls; disseminate “Netiquette.” Danny suggests Deb Gordon to be on committee. Jan will send proposal from Danny van Leeuwen. Mary: Focus of 2nd Quarter, Town Halls; 3rd Quarter: Connect group organized. 4th Qtr: Improve Connect. Two meetings/month. Judy asks about goals for Town Hall attendance. Brian asks that he would like Board members to attend at least 3 TH/per year. New member welcome at each TH. Highlight sponsorships. Jan asks about goals for each TH. Brian: education and engagement. Specific topics.

2) Galvanize: Marketing charter. Goals to engage through Manifesto pledges. Reach out to large orgs through Danny and Matthew. Manifesto as a ‘front door” to info about S4PM. In 2022-23, create communities among those who have pledged. Hoping in Q1, 2021, 100 new members. Manifesto Conference in fall is a possibility. Website will have a small change in early February with link to new Manifesto materials. Danny: we need to leverage our networks. Helene: current disconnect with how we are using the Manifesto. Something is missing. Judy: it’s a series of behaviors. Perfect for a pledge. Action-oriented. Helene: would love to build out from statements that are action-oriented. Judy: creation of communities around various aspects of the pledges. Danny: we want people to take affirmative steps. Orgs. to change the way they practice. How do we make this real? Joe: Northeastern has incorporated the Manifesto into one of its courses. Talk to Jay Spitulnik for an expert interview. Maybe some cross promotion with the school? Joe and Judy will confer. Brian: how are we tracking the pledge metrics? Danny explains. Joe asks Board to help find people to support Manifesto. Jan: pledge is personal and requires some action. Judy: first get people to become aware. Mary: down the road Patients Included can get involved. Helene: what is the actionable pathway? Judy: Manifesto committee is going to morph into the Marketing Committee. Five people have responded already.

ED Update                                                                    Rosen

Good progress. Proposal finalized. Lisa is an advisor. Burt likes one candidate. Lisa has several emails out. Job description can be posted by Board members. Next step take job description and start posting it. See copy of ED search in Mary’s email. If you are interested, you can be part of screening committee. Will be posted on LinkedIn. Mary: We can use up to $2,500 for search committee expenses. Mary makes a motion to offer this money. Motion passes. Burt: hope to hire ED during 1st quarter, 2021.

 Governance Decisions

See Mary’s document on G-Drive. 18-member Board questioned, but we have 16 currently. Helene says we will need many members as we are doing many new initiatives. Mary says we need to consult with a lawyer. Question is how we make election meaningful? Mary suggests putting founders on the Board to maintain connection to Mitchell Foundation. Danny concerned that Governance Committee may have too much on its plate. Mary: need to agree who the Chairs are on each committee. Danny: think about how chairs have been nominated on other committees. Jan: will need to adjust our viewpoint once we have an ED on as we’ve functioned very differently until now. Mary: ED has to be a leader, not a glorified staff person. Brian: brings up concern that if we only have 3 meetings per year, how do committees stay on goal? Mary: agrees, but says maybe it’s an evolution to 3 meetings. We may start with more.  Danny: concerned too. Wonders if monthly meetings may be more effective. Burt likes idea of 3 meetings. Burden for action goes to the committees. Others have similar concerns.  Mary: wait until ED on board to make final decision.

Danny appointed CAO (Chief Advocacy Officer)

Approved unanimously.

Preview of next Board Meeting                                   Hennings

Nexus project and team. Board recruitment.


Everyone very engaged.  Good meeting. M-a-L update restored at next meeting.

Adjourned at  7:31 — Next board meeting: February 23, 2021, 6:00 – 7:30 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh

SPM Board Secretary