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Members Present:  Eric Bersh, Joe Ternullo, Randy Houk, Danny Sands, Judy Danielson, Tim Blevins

Full attendance record available here.

Welcome: Joe


Minutes from last two committee meetings: Eric

Motion to approve by January minutes – Tim.  Seconded by Judy.  Unanimous approval.  March minutes – Danny.  Seconded by Judy.  Unanimous approval.

Half-day conference update: Joe, Danny, Judy, Randy

ACR follow up.  Slalom interested in working with us.  Some funding received from other orgs.

Bylaws: Joe

A number of changes adopted by Board over the years.  Incorporated by John Grohol into newest version. Will bring to Board for April 26 meeting.  Tim asks if any important elements added.  Joe reports nothing substantial.

Board member recruitment process: Joe

We have a questionnaire. Judy and Tim suggest we add a few additional elements to the questions.  Danny moves that we adopt.  Seconded by Judy.  Adopted unanimously.

April Board Agenda: Joe

Working to shorten the time spent on each meeting category.  With addition of pre-reads, meeting time can be shortened.  Judy suggests that committee leaders have a specific “ask” of the board.  Otherwise, agenda good as is.  Judy will discuss with Kim writing up short descriptions that can be used on social media.

Other Business

Judy motions to adjourn.  Danny seconds.

 Adjourned at  7:00 — Next meeting: May 10, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary