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Members Present:  Eric Bersh, Randy Houk, Danny Sands, Judy Danielson, Mary Hennings, Tim Blevins, Joe Ternullo

Full attendance record available here.

Welcome: Mary

Minutes from last meeting: Eric

Status of Board member search:  Mary

Prioritize what characteristics are most needed from new board members and send to Mary.  Mary discusses various levels of membership, and associated dollar amounts (plus value associated with higher levels of membership).  Danny explains what he discovered about the value proposition for various companies that have been approached.  Eric suggests a video marketing campaign (short videos) in association with a sponsor.  Judy suggests creating “buckets” of ideas that a sponsor could choose from (possible buckets: advocacy, innovation, thought leadership, building & growing, making things happen).  Eric further suggests a sponsor montage video for inclusion on the website.

Update on Fundraising and House Parties: Randy

By end of May we will have applied to upwards of 500K worth of grants.  First House Party in Lawrence to support Lawrence video.  Date, tba.  Possible Brockton event in August.  Corporate support good for CLE’s.  Joe suggests that we might tie in corporate sponsorship to agenda items (like CLE’s, website, videos, etc.).

Website refresh and update: Judy

More information developed after May 24.  Email Mary with any ideas.

Draft agenda for May board meeting: Mary

Bylaws, CLE’s, Board member selection are topics for meeting.  Danny suggests selling tickets to the House Parties.  We will need to be “on point” re: agendas, timing, dates, etc. as we will need Board assistance to pull these off.

Other Business: Mary and Judy

Kim Whittemore can no longer head up social marketing.  Board should suggest other possible names.

 Adjourned at  7:02 — Next meeting: June 14, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary

