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Members Present:ย Mary Hennings, Eric Bersh, Brenda Merriweather, Liz Boehm, Jay Spitulnik, Danny Sands, Daniel H-R

Welcome: Mary H

Minutes from last meeting: Vote

  • Dan motions/Jay 2nds. Unanimous

Farewell Vera: Citation

  • Jay motions/Danny 2nds. Unanimous

Review of reports

  • Review of monies on hand
  • Individual Memberships lower than last year

PM Definition Re-draft

  • Liz โ€“ review of 4 definitions. Number 4 (revised) is current candidate:
    • โ€œParticipatory Medicine ensures that patients are the drivers of their health and healthcare professionals encourage and value patients and their caregivers as full partnersโ€ (get back to Mary in next week)
    • Board asked to review and submit changes to Mary

Foundations next steps

  • Pitch deck has been refreshed
  • Next: review, feedback, revise, get support commitments
  • Need marketing, funding plans (Judy Danielson willing to help with marketing)
  • Budget needed: What will it cost to create index?
  • Discussion with Planetree (benchmarking experts). They would like to create Patient-centered care index with SPM.ย  Mary, Danny will recontact with them after July 4
    • Liz advises caution about relationship
    • Danny โ€“ โ€œinteresting opportunity.โ€ May need to do our survey as a collaboration
    • Dan โ€“ are we a subset of Planetree? Yes
    • Mary โ€“ they have patient culture experience. Have relationships with large health care systems.ย  Both Planetree and Beryl need something like our survey

Foundations next steps

  • Are there events we should be attending/getting involved in? Who will volunteer to review?
    • NE HIMSS (Oct) event re: tech. Get Danny on stage.ย  Jay will investigate
    • PEX event; any others. Brenda will investigate
    • BMC Health Equity another possibility

Review of other activities

  • Blog topics pulled from earlier conference. Eric will investigate.ย  Liz will write blog if appropriate topic found
  • How do we involve Dr. Fish? Possible candidate for Board or a blog.ย  Danny will reach out to him
  • Jay โ€“ CLEโ€™s: meeting scheduled for 7/31. Looking to Board to suggest topic themes
  • Danny โ€“ Brad Power connection re: cancer event
  • Liz โ€“ talk to Dr. Shah re: Public Health issues

Journal update

  • Matt Hudson and Sue Woods have resigned as Editors
  • Mary and Danny working on it. Had JMIR meeting.ย  JMIR has redirection process in works.ย  Looking for people who can help find Editors and or Contributors
  • Dan HR talked about his review of 300+ people who are doing PM research

Board recruiting

  • Eric to look at Blogger group for candidates

ย Other business; announcements

  • None proposed

ย Adjourned atย  7:24 p.m. EDT.ย  Next meeting: July 23, 2024, 6:00 โ€“ 7:30 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary