The Society regularly conducts meetings of its executive committee and board on a regular, ongoing basis. The Executive Committee takes care of the organization’s day-to-day business, while the Board sets the strategic vision and helps the leadership successfully execute the vision.
July 14th Executive Meeting Minutes
1.      Minutes of last meeting 2.      Exec committee response to tasks follow-up 3.      Nominations Identified need to have a standardized way to inform our members about the candidates (Alan G.) Discussed adding more people to the nomination list but we've...
Responding to Members: Goals Working Group
Please see the Executive Committee's Response to the member generated Development of Goals Document. Much has changed since the proposal was presented, including that which has been a direct result of this Workgroup's suggestions. In many ways, the Development of...
June 30th Executive Meeting Minutes
Preparing for upcoming Elections: Reviewed Member Nominee list for President Elect and two Members at Large Reviewed process of nomination from bi laws Identifying potential board members for nomination Developed a list of people to reach out to for President Elect...
May 5th Executive Meeting Minutes
Meetings rescheduled from a month to every two weeks Board response to Members on Goals Committee We need to get this back to the members Deb Linton to go over goals document and see where there overlap with our existing quick teams There may be new things but we feel...
April 4th Executive Meeting Minutes
Member Goals proposal for Society Some of the items brought up by this document are relient on the progress of other existing inniatives Goals identified by members not very divergent from our own Although not addressed by the goals document part of the solution...
March 10 Executive Board Minutes
Changing frequency of board meetings to improve board engagement Cooks Branch Think Tank discussion - what can we incorporate into SPM Quick Team updates Communications to member We want to let members know that our by-laws online We want to let members know that our...