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E-Patients Never Retire

Abstract Keywords: Doctor-patient interaction, older patients, elders, e-patients, discrimination, communication, relationship, empathy, nonverbal behavior. Citation: Graedon J, Graedon, T. Participatory elders. J Participat Med. 2014 Sep 16; 6:e12. Published:...

A Tribute to Jessie Gruman, Founding JoPM Co-Editor

Abstract Keywords: Participatory medicine, empowered patient, patient-provider partnership, shared decision making. Citation: Smith CW. A tribute to Jessie Gruman, founding JoPM co-editor. J Participat Med. 2014 Jul 25; 6:e11. Published: July 25, 2014. Competing...

Fighting over Homework: an e-Patient Debate

Abstract Keywords: Participatory medicine, e-patients, shared decision making, health information, paternalistic medicine, doctor’s orders. Citation: Graedon J, Graedon T. Fighting over homework: an e-patient debate. J Participat Med. 2014 Jan 8; 6:e1....
