As SPM has grown, we’ve added additional system components. Only two of them require passwords: the membership system, and the SPM Connect discussion forum. Here’s what you need to know.
is the public SPM website.
It requires no login.
(This page is part of that site.)
Your SPM membership data (dues, expiration, etc.) is in the system. This is the “source of truth” (the place where your official data is stored) for:
- your registered SPM email address
- your payment information
- the username and password you created for the membership system.
- To reset this password, click here.
- This username and password is used nowhere else.
- The membership system also includes a unique identifier number (like a “record locator” for an airline reservation), but we don’t use it – it’s only used behind the scenes.
SPM Connect (or just Connect) is our online discussion forum for members:
- The Connect forum has its own password. You log in with your SPM email address (above) and a password you created when you first logged into Connect.
- The Connect password is separate from the Membership password, but you can make them the same if you want.
- Logging in to Connect is completely separate from the membership system. (Logging in or out of one is independent of the other.)
- To create your Connect password for the first time, click here: New members set password
- To reset your Connect password, click here.
- The Connect forum has its own password. You log in with your SPM email address (above) and a password you created when you first logged into Connect.
The SPM Connect Quick Start Guide has additional useful information.