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Participants: Dave DeBronkart, Nancy Finn, Peter Elias, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands, Joe Ternullo, Jon Wald, Susan Woods, Tracy Zervakis

Minutes Approved

Member Outreach – Danny Sands

Our plans for outreach to members who have expressed interest in becoming more involved with S4PM are progressing. Every member has received a link to a Google Form where they can indicate their skills and what they would like to volunteer to do.

Journal Danny Sands

We are talking with JMIR Publications, a leading e-health publisher to explore complimentary arrangements to have the Journal jointly published by JMIR and SPM.

Marketing Judy Danielson
Judy Danielson requested $1800 for a copywriter to complete the marketing brief. Motion carried unanimously by the Executive Committee.

SPM at HIMSS Joe Ternullo
Mandy Bishop is working on coordinating a Sips event at HIMSS Feb 22 from 5-7 pm at the Itta Bena Restaurant, 9101 International Drive in Orlando FL. The event is in conjunction with the Walking Gallery networking event, and is sponsored by Conduent.

Policy Committee Joe Ternullo
We are working on a coordinated media blitz to announce our partnership with Weill Cornell for the development of a research library in participatory medicine. We are seeking members who would like to work on this research library project

Higher Logic Online Forum Peter Elias

We are initiating discussions on Higher Logic to get our members and board members used to this platform. The members of the Board will have full access to Higher Logic by the end of the month. We have connections to six communities. Three are self-designed and three are more professionally designed. We need to evaluate when our discussions will be open to all members for viewing and participation and when they are executive sessions for members of the Board and Executive Committee.

Learning Exchange Sarah Krug
The American College of Radiology is presenting the next Learning Exchange on: “Managing the Cost of Care.” It will include dialogue and discussion. They will use their own Go to Webinar platform for this presentation. This is planned for the end of March.

Definition of Participatory Medicine

A team of individuals led by Susan Woods is reviewing the definition of participatory medicine and looking for new ideas and changes. We will discuss this further at the next board meeting.

Jon Wald started a monthly column from the President in the newsletter and Joe Ternullo will continue this practice each month. Every member and board member is invited to contribute their thoughts by sending Joe an email. Joe will also add a section to his column that will recognizemembers for their outstanding achievements. There is a nomination form on Google that every member is encouraged to use for this purpose.

Issue for Future Discussion
• Succession Planning for leadership positions
• Grooming members for a 2018 board seat.
• Ideas for maximizing the spread of the S4PM message and fulfilling our mission.