Participants: Ileana Balcu, Nick Dawson, Dave deBronkart, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Josh Seidman
 Minutes – approved
 Retreat report & other retreat follow-up
Work groups are completing their assessments and will report back to the Board at the January Board meeting.
 Member database
 Ileana shared a document with the executive committee that included all of the fields in the current members’ database and asked for suggestions for other fields: e.g. social media presence, member’s specific interests as a patient, patient caregiver, doctor, etc.   We will also ask members if they would like to be included in a speaker database but details about their expertise and bio would be requested separately.
We discussed soliciting individuals to volunteer to serve on committees and decided that we would do that as a separate mailing to the membership.Â
HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibit Orlando FL, Feb. 23-27.
HIMSS has once again invited the Society to participate in the HIMSS annual conference. Our focus will be patient engagement from the patient’s point of view. We need to decide whether we want to hold an education session in a classroom setting or would like a table top/kiosk in the exhibition hall. Sarah will follow up.