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Members Present:  Mary Hennings, Eric Bersh, Joe Ternullo, Randy Houk, Danny Sands, Brian Mack

Others present: Judy Danielson

Full attendance record available here.

Welcome: Hennings


Minutes from last two committee meetings: Bersh

Ternullo makes motion to approve February.  Danny seconds.  Unanimously approved.  January minutes saved for April meeting.

Half-day conference update: Ternullo, Sands, Hennings, Danielson

Mary would like a timeframe. Danny also, but thinks we need to wait for sponsors to sign on.  Mary argues for timeframe.  Three possible sponsors identified. Randy mentions a fourth (available to approach in May).  Danny working on advocacy.  Mary, bus. aff., Randy, grants. Judy suggests using master deck and creative learning event slides as a “leave-behind.”  Committee will have pre-meeting call on 3/14, followed by committee meeting later in day.  Judy suggests having longer meetings to cover wide variety of topics.

Membership Committee Update: Hennings

Mary reviewed draft of membership plan for 2022.  Draft plan available on Google Docs. Q4 Town Hall planned to introduce new features.  Looking at possible use of Connect “badges” for those who contribute often.  Various changes to membership systems are being evaluated. Danny congratulates the Committee on its work.  Mary says we need to think how we are driving value to members.  Judy suggests building personas of members within a shared marketing-membership subgroup.

Website Scope and Process: Hennings, Danielson

Strategic document has been created. Goal is take to Board for its blessing.

March Board Agenda: Hennings

Mary reviews the packed agenda.

Adjourned at  6:55 — Next meeting: April 12, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary