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Members Present: Mary Hennings, Eric Bersh, Brenda Merriweather, John Grohol, Cindy Hale, Liz Boehm, Jay Spitulnik, Danny Sands, Daniel H-R

Guests/Ex Officio: None

Welcome: Mary H

Minutes from last meeting: Vote

  • Delayed to next meeting

Review of Reports

  • Waiting for Health Union dues

ID Board Skills for future members

  • See below

PM Definition Re-draft

  • email Cindy or Liz with comments

Foundations next steps

  • Review of slide deck
  • After this meeting’s comments, team will make another stab at draft

Travel Award

  • Program up and and we have a grant to keep it going


  • Two co-editors are stepping down
  • Mary meeting with Sue in a week
  • Mary asks Board if anyone would like to help out?
    • Responses from:
    • Daniel H-R
    • Jay (however, already involved)
  • Meeting with JMIR within a month
  • John discussed conducting an editor review a year ago; mentions that Sue is looking to Board to help get more articles generated, but recognizes this is difficult. Suggests possibility of doing a special issue
  • Daniel H-R says his experience with special issues was good and relatively easy to get article contributors. Has seen Journals with articles about what people are planning to do
  • Jay wonders if we should do our core work before focusing on special editions
  • Jay suggests we speak to the JMIR editors asking what they want
  • Eric suggests looking at blog articles that could be recycled or expanded

Board Recruiting

  • Jay suggests that we try to add “star” names to our search
    • Likes idea of “advisory” board with bigger names
  • Mary: Step one. Who should we be prioritizing?  She will consult with Board members individually to get suggestions
  • Cindy: Passion is #1 characteristic; people who want to “roll up their sleeves.” Young people (“young blood”) should also be a priority
  • Liz: Need people who bring specific skills to the table. Especially if we decide to do the Index.  Preliminary wish list: Brian Sexton of Duke; Melanie Albany.

Other Business

  • Skipped

 Adjourned at  7:31 p.m. EDT.  Next meeting: June 25, 2024, 6:00 – 7:30 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary