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Patient Travel Awards

SPM Patient Travel Awards

Throughout the year, the Society for Participatory Medicine (SPM) provides travel awards to patients who need financial assistance to help with their travel-related expenses when traveling to speak at conferences. These conferences are important, as they help e-patients share their participatory medicine story directly with relevant audiences. Without financial assistance, many patients are not able to afford to attend these conferences. (The Society also works with a number of conferences to have conference fees waived or discounted for e-patients.)

Apply for a Travel Award

If you are a Society member (a patient or caregiver) and interested in participating in a patient-friendly conference, you may apply for a travel award to attend. Apply online today:

Application for Travel Award Form


Donate to the Travel Fund

Your help is needed in order to ensure our e-Patient Travel Fund has the resources necessary to help e-patients everywhere. To-date, we’ve sent over a dozen patients to speak at conferences around the country. You can help us send dozens more by making a donation to the travel fund today! You can help us spread the word of the e-patient movement by donating to our Travel Fund directly at any time.

Donate today to the Society

The Society for Participatory Medicine is a 501(c)3 public charity, so your donation may be tax deductible as allowable by law.


The Fine Print

All applications must be submitted through the above form. Once your application is reviewed, you will be notified as to whether your application has been accepted, and the scholarship award amount you will be given.

In exchange for the travel award, we are asking awardees to participate in conferences by documenting and sharing your experiences in a variety of ways, including blog posts, note taking at the table topics event and posting on social media about the conference and your experiences.