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Join a live virtual Healing Story Session on June 22!

“Pain, suffering, and ambivalence can co-exist with peace, joy, and self-love. Healing can take many forms. Sharing our stories helps others to find their way, and reminds us all  that we are not alone.” 
— Annie Brewster, MD, Health Story Collaborative


We are honored to invite you to What Patients Can Teach Us About Living with Uncertainty: A Healing Story Session, a free online educational event co-hosted by Health Story CollaborativeInspire, and the Society for Participatory Medicine


The Healing Story Session will feature Elizabeth Jameson, an artist, writer and patient activist, and Keisha Greaves, a fashion designer, blogger, keynote speaker and patient activist. These two nationally known women, who live with chronic disease, have a lot to teach us about living with the unknown, something we can ALL benefit from now in these times.

As Dr. Brewster, herself a multiple sclerosis patient, noted, “Healing narratives are relevant to all of us. These stories transcend illness as  a celebration of hope, human resiliency and dignity.”

Please register today, as space is limited–it takes just a minute. 

All the Best and Stay Safe,
You Friends at the Society for Participatory Medicine


Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

Dr. John M. Grohol, Psy.D. is a psychologist and technologist who specializes in examining and writing about the confluence of patient rights, technology, and mental health. In 1995, he founded Psych Central, the world's leading independent mental health site overseen by mental health professionals, which was acquired by Healthline in 2020. He founded and continues to oversee the independent online support group community for mental health concerns, My Support Forums since 2001. He is a co-founder of the Society for Participatory Medicine.
