2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006
2024 (8)
2023 (28)
- 16/03 - Mighty Casey is entering hospice
- 14/02 - Why Dying is Not Giving Up
2022 (31)
2021 (36)
- 08/11 - The Power of Storytelling
- 18/10 - Cost, In Any Other Language
- 04/10 - Innovation, Local Persistence
- 22/07 - Video Series: Doctor to Doctor
- 20/07 - Seeing Red about Pink Eye
2020 (24)
- 17/12 - Leadership Transition, Part 1
- 09/11 - Everyone-Included Research
- 11/01 - Why I Joined SPM: Brad Power
2019 (26)
- 23/11 - A Romanticised History of SPM
- 15/11 - Conservators
2018 (61)
- 22/07 - Patient Ownership of Data?
- 27/05 - Cinderblocks 2018
- 14/02 - The Heart Attack That Wasn’t
2017 (50)
- 27/09 - My Mother’s Scrap of Paper
- 28/08 - Health Partner or Care Partner?
- 29/04 - Precision Prism
2016 (72)
- 30/12 - The S’mores Circle
- 09/12 - Communicate What? #CarePlanning
- 23/11 - Thanksgiving Letter to my Doctor
- 08/03 - Pharma TV ads: Film at 11
2015 (87)
- 05/12 - “Where can I get that mug???”
- 10/11 - Crohnology Blog: Am I disabled?
- 04/11 - The e-Patient “e”s reach Japan!
- 01/11 - EHR? What is it good for?
- 09/09 - We’re all in this together
- 01/07 - No Rhyme or Reason
- 08/05 - Patient POV: Seasons Change
2014 (94)
- 11/09 - Jessie Gruman: Poetry in Motion
- 04/09 - To Be, or Not to Be, a B Corp
- 23/06 - The Doctor as Patient
- 23/01 - Evernote is my EMR
- 14/01 - e-Patient Lisa Adams
2013 (123)
- 27/11 - Thanks from the Philippines
- 15/11 - Mobile, social, health, care
- 14/10 - Rainbow Button – 2013 Edition
- 13/09 - Flip the Flip
- 16/08 - Resources for health literacy
- 13/08 - That is a Real Doctor
- 01/08 - What I Wish I’d Known Earlier…
- 22/07 - PCORI and us
- 20/06 - Caregivers: a celebration
- 12/05 - Mother’s Day
- 01/05 - How Things Change
- 19/02 - Reading our own EKG
- 09/02 - What if health care…?
- 25/01 - Eric Topol at Rock Health
- 18/01 - NEJM: Post-Hospital Syndrome
- 04/01 - PCORI and Micro-Contracts
2012 (217)
- 30/12 - PCORI and Just-in-Time Decisions
- 28/12 - Top 5 Posts of 2012
- 01/12 - The Waiting Room
- 22/11 - Engage with Grace
- 09/10 - New series on overdiagnosis
- 05/10 - Fact checking at Medicine X
- 16/09 - Medicine 2.0 Day One
- 07/09 - What’s in a (disease) name?
- 16/08 - State of the Meme, summer 2012
- 24/07 - What Do ‘Engaged’ Patients Do?
- 19/07 - Health Care Hackers
- 12/07 - Caregivers Online
- 10/07 - CureTogether acquired by 23andme
- 26/06 - Bowling Alone, Healing Together
- 12/06 - Who owns your data? Why?
- 11/06 - Watson: a love story
- 07/06 - Unpacking self-tracking
- 31/05 - A “de-marketing strategy”
- 24/05 - “Check the box for e-Patient”
- 12/04 - A Season in Hell
- 05/04 - Self-Service Healthcare?
- 14/03 - CostsOfCare.org
- 01/03 - Nancy Finn interview on Fox News
- 03/02 - What’s your health care dream?
- 27/01 - TED talk on doctors’ mistakes
- 19/01 - The Rise of the e-Patient
2011 (221)
- 08/12 - For some people, it’s still 1994
- 07/12 - .5 x .5: Deconstructing Margolis
- 03/12 - How Doctors Die
- 01/12 - World AIDS Day
- 23/10 - Steve Jobs’ Cancer Denial
- 18/10 - Health Info Have-Nots
- 12/09 - Doctor Pay Too High?
- 04/09 - How To Dump A Doctor
- 24/08 - “The Participation Hypothesis”
- 17/08 - A “shopping for healthcare” blog
- 26/07 - We’ve changed!
- 19/07 - What I learned at Health Foo
- 07/07 - First Diagnosing Mole iPhone app
- 06/07 - Alpha Geeks in Health Care
- 01/07 - Health Month, the game
- 25/06 - Bye Bye Google Health
- 24/06 - 2011 Socialnomics video is out
- 16/06 - Cancer Blogger Gets Legal Threat
- 27/04 - Pioneers of patient engagement
- 21/04 - “Patients are not consumers”
- 13/04 - ISO: Randomized Trials
- 11/04 - PatientsLikeMe goes wide
- 08/04 - An ode to health data rights
- 04/04 - Peer-to-peer healthcare on NPR
- 27/03 - TEDMED End Of Life videos are up
- 25/03 - In the End
- 16/03 - “I Am Iron Man”
- 07/03 - Too Many Doctors?
- 25/02 - Healthcare Out Loud
- 02/02 - Guest Post Guidelines
- 01/02 - A Health Information Divide
- 18/01 - The kind of thinking to look for
- 07/01 - Wikipedia’s entry on “e-patient”
2010 (196)
- 13/12 - Cancer 2.0
- 10/12 - Going Viral Against HIV and STIs
- 26/11 - Avoiding harm in the hospital
- 11/11 - On Veterans Day: Inspiration
- 20/10 - Fixing Those Damn Lies
- 05/10 - Regina Holliday is not special!
- 29/09 - e-Patient Connections 2010
- 27/09 - What is the ROI on love?
- 15/09 - The Power of Mobile (Video)
- 13/09 - The Power of Mobile
- 19/08 - Rheingold, Nelson, and Engelbart
- 09/08 - Living N=1
- 18/07 - Laugh, Sing, and Eat Like a Pig
- 24/05 - Gov 2.0 Expo: Health Geek Guide
- 25/04 - Dennis Quaid’s “Chasing Zero”
- 10/04 - What my mom takes to the doctor
- 04/03 - VA data glitch mimics MIT’s
- 03/03 - Designing for Better Health
- 01/03 - E-Patient Erin Proves a Point
- 12/02 - The e-Patient Salute
- 06/02 - Who are you, DarthMed?
- 03/02 - Pay me now or pay me later.
- 31/01 - What’s the point of Health 2.0?
- 16/01 - Health 2.010: New Year, New Era
- 14/01 - Health data rights on CNN
2009 (186)
- 31/12 - What’s in your… bucket queue?
- 22/12 - Access is (almost) everything
- 16/12 - Ahem. :-)
- 10/12 - Stupid Cancer Show
- 26/11 - Engage With Grace
- 20/11 - The Pew Internet/Health FAQ
- 18/11 - A Mission 2 End Diabetes
- 09/11 - Why Participatory Medicine?
- 29/10 - Clinical Trial Data Rights?
- 15/10 - A quote I won’t soon forget
- 13/10 - #WhyPM?
- 02/10 - Participation Matters
- 25/09 - “HIPAA is SO 1996”
- 14/09 - HIPAA’s Broken Promise
- 20/08 - Age of Participatory Medicine
- 12/08 - How to Rein in Medical Costs
- 22/07 - A Participatory Medicine Story
- 14/07 - E-patients in U.S. News
- 01/07 - Dx: Revolting. Rx: Revolt.
- 28/06 - Question For President Obama
- 15/06 - e-Patients Are Proud Deviants!
- 10/06 - “Moms, do not give up.”
- 04/06 - For Want of a Surge Protector…
- 06/05 - Democracy and Healthcare
- 30/04 - Patients first. Doctors second.
- 17/04 - Remembering Doc Tom
- 17/04 - Quick update on moving my data
- 06/04 - You’re Not Crazy After All
- 15/03 - Bartering for your health
- 12/03 - Opaque, Inc.
- 28/02 - Rare Disease Day 2009
- 14/02 - A thousand points of pain
- 13/02 - Welcome VisibleBody.com
- 13/02 - Ted Eytan’s Twitterview
- 15/01 - An e-patient call to arms
- 15/01 - Health Care Law Slides
- 09/01 - Teens, Sex and Technology
2008 (202)
- 26/12 - Malpractice cost impact
- 17/12 - NIH Summit on Health Disparities
- 09/12 - Saving Lives, Old-School Style
- 05/12 - New Health Journalism Blog
- 04/12 - How We Die
- 03/12 - “The 100 Percent Organic Man”
- 26/11 - Engage With Grace
- 13/11 - Confessions Yield Debate
- 12/11 - The Risks of Going All Digital
- 11/11 - Do Doctors Read?
- 06/11 - In the Spin: Death by Referral
- 03/11 - Can you say “Ludique”?
- 24/10 - Connected Health Symposium 2008
- 22/10 - Quality of Care & e-Patients
- 20/10 - All MRIs Are Not Created Equal
- 18/10 - Extending Your Healthcare Dollar
- 16/10 - Learning from medical errors
- 15/10 - Blogging to Save a Father’s Life
- 13/10 - Spellchecker
- 09/10 - Mobilizing Support for the CIS
- 06/10 - Patient Power: Andrew Schorr
- 01/10 - New York Times Health Section
- 27/09 - Please vote for GlobalCures
- 26/09 - The Im-Patient Consumer
- 23/09 - Dr. Val Jones Leaves Revolution
- 19/09 - For Sale: Revolution Health
- 08/09 - Safety Net Populations
- 05/09 - Comarow on Quality
- 04/09 - Not Just a Pretty Picture
- 03/09 - Eyeballs AND Data, Please
- 02/09 - What’s in *your* MIB?
- 25/08 - Doctors’ Digital Footprints
- 25/07 - An e-Patient Hero Leaves Us
- 15/07 - Steal these slides
- 08/07 - The Two Toms
- 04/07 - Patriotic Participation
- 30/06 - Pez Dispensers = Inspiration
- 23/06 - Participatory Medicine at NIH
- 23/06 - Welcome, “Reasonably Well”
- 20/06 - Have you ever heard of ODL?
- 18/06 - Physician, Teacher, Farmer
- 17/06 - Psych Central in Time’sTop 50
- 14/06 - Information Therapy Conference
- 11/06 - Diabetes Reloaded
- 05/06 - Nice Review at Consumer Reports
- 02/06 - e-Patient stories: several types
- 29/05 - Here Comes Everybody
- 22/05 - What patients really want
- 21/05 - Health Commons
- 20/05 - Google Releases Google Health
- 15/05 - Patient Activism
- 09/05 - Consumers? Wha?
- 05/05 - Upcoming Conferences
- 28/04 - The Wisdom of Patients Report
- 16/04 - No Secrets
- 15/04 - “You can do it. We can help.”
- 14/04 - Health Care Consumerism
- 05/04 - Serial referral delays are harm
- 03/04 - Thank you, Dr. Tom
- 28/03 - NON-Practicing Patients
- 15/03 - When the Patient is a Yahoo
- 12/03 - Flashback to 2001
- 12/03 - Patient 2.0
- 06/03 - Susannah Fox at Health 2.0
- 26/02 - Empathy via email
- 21/02 - Degrees of Access
- 15/02 - The Players in the PHR Space
- 08/02 - Harnessing Openness
- 06/02 - More 2.0 Definitions
- 06/02 - Consumer Resources
- 31/01 - Wikis: Cautionary Tale 2.0
- 31/01 - It’s Not Just about Healthcare…
- 29/01 - Medscape Editorial
- 28/01 - Hey there, e-Patient Dave!
- 25/01 - Women — You’ve Been comScored!
- 25/01 - New York Times and e-Patients
- 19/01 - The WELL
- 14/01 - E-health Reality Check
- 14/01 - Medical Googlers, Part 2
- 14/01 - Medicine for the People
- 06/01 - Rate a Doctor?
- 03/01 - Visiting hours
2007 (66)
- 22/12 - May Old Acquaintance Be Recalled
- 14/12 - Talk of the Nation
- 07/12 - Don’t Get Sick in Massachusetts
- 03/12 - Health 2.0 and Privacy Lost
- 17/10 - Superbugs
- 08/10 - Towards Universal Health Records
- 04/10 - MicroSoft & e-Patients?
- 02/10 - Is Your Diagnosis Wrong?
- 27/09 - Gov Gab on Organic Food
- 24/09 - The Business of Survival
- 21/09 - This just in from Health 2.0
- 11/09 - Health 2.0 in The Economist
- 06/08 - Poor and Elderly E-patients
- 18/07 - “Good enough” technology
- 29/06 - Michael Moore’s Sicko Wants You
- 28/06 - Health Education vs. Outcomes
- 19/06 - Three Simple Rules
- 18/06 - Where Online Health Will Be
- 14/06 - Daily Kaizen
- 14/06 - International e-Patients
- 13/06 - Online Patient Groups
- 12/06 - Geologic/Patient Ages
- 05/06 - E-patients and Health 2.0
- 05/06 - Wikipedia as an e-patient source
- 23/05 - Health Search
- 17/05 - Personal Health Records
- 14/05 - New e-Patient Reporting Tool
- 07/05 - Too Radical?
2006 (2)
- 30/03 - The Voice of the Patient
John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
John M. Grohol, Psy.D. is one of the pioneers in online mental health and support groups, getting his start on the Internet in 1992 with depression support groups and advocacy efforts. He is a writer, researcher, and the publisher & founder of the Internet's leading mental health and psychology network, Psych Central, a founding corporate member of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Dr. Grohol sits on the editorial board of Computers in Human Behavior and does e-health consulting in his spare time. Dr. Grohol is a founding member and treasurer of the Society for Participatory Medicine, and is also a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists.
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