I checked my calendar today, 7/7/07 and found two important events — Live Earth concert and Tom Ferguson’s birthday.
In honor of Tom’s birthday, I decided to wear my e-patients t-shirt, one of the last things Tom gave me. It says, “healthcare. just fix it.”
Some how or another, it seems fitting that the Live Earth concert was on Tom’s birthday — “global warming. just fix it.”
Thanks Tom, for making the world a better place.
Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.
Inspired by my own journey, and the wisdom of many of the contributors on this blog, I’m currently a member/subscriber/lurker on any one of a number of “e-patient” sites. I came across the attached link on Organized Wisdom today. While I think the advice is a bit elementary for e-patients, it’s not a bad “101” for those who are just beginning to take control of their care: http://thyroid.about.com/od/findlearnfromdoctors/ss/empoweredorpain.htm
I just stumbled upon this entry and spent some time thinking about Tom Ferguson and what a tremendous contribution he made to the democratization of health and envisioning its future. In the twenty years I knew Tom he was always ahead of the curve by a wide margin. Terri’s posting about the Bolinas group is a window on just one example of his leadership. I’m happy to see the Bolinas initiative continues.
And John, it is great to “see” you. That Bolinas gathering was a special moment, a taste of many exciting things to come.