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Try to arrive 10 minutes early — 10:50 am — to get oriented.  On arrival a host will scan your badge and point you to the big round “Discovery desk” where we’ll gather.

We’ll talk a bit for 10 minutes, then pick which “use case” demonstrations to go to. This will be up to you. Here are the 4 that explicitly DO include patient access to health data – you can choose which to watch in depth and/or wander on your own. Update: only one of these is at 11:15, so we’ll all go there. Then choose one for 11:45.

  • 11:15: “Connecting Virtual Teams: Smart Care for Hep C” – a Project Echo demonstration, highly recommended by SPM member Matthew Holt (of Health 2.0 and HIMSS)
  • 11:45 (not :15 as earlier posted) “Opioid Addiction Care”: patient was actively engaged post incarceration and was included as part of team to integrate his medical records
  • 11:45: “Nationwide care transitions” – after a hospitalization at home in Florida, a woman fractures her hip while in Colorado visiting her daughter – able to access records and coordinate care
  • 11:45:”Collaborative Community Cancer Care”: Active engagement by a breast cancer patient to verify her healthcare and other data (social determinants)

The tide is turning in our favor – let’s learn and contribute. Think about how we can urge the showcase NEXT year to include patient access in all the demonstrations.  Thanks to Vera Rulon and Jan Oldenburg for these suggestions!

Again, the hashtags for tweeting about this are #S4PM and #HIMSS18.

Original post:

This is a quick first blog post to get the word out. This graphic, created by our member @JenHoronjeff of @SavvyCoop, says it all. Spread the word, with the #HIMSS18 and #S4PM hashtags on social media! In short:

  • HIMSS (the enormous yearly health IT conference) is happening this week in Las Vegas. Over fifty members of our society are present.
  • The interoperability showcase is a 30,000 square foot exhibit that shows data moving through various “use case” demonstrations.
    • Interoperability is the term for data “operating” well on different systems, which (to make a long story short) is not at all easy or possible.  But that’s changing!
  • Within the showcase are 17 demonstrations of data flowing from provider to provider in different scenarios, and sometimes including patient access in the process.
    • Here are short descriptions of the demonstrations, or download their 6.7 MB PDF.
    • Each has a 15-20 minute demonstration walking through the scenario, telling how the story unfolds and why the data is needed at a new doctor’s office, new lab, etc.  Each demo starts at 15 after or 45 after.
  • We will gather at 11 for brief remarks, then go to one of the demos (TBD) at 11:15 and another at 11:45.  Or, some may choose to walk the circuit, looking at as many as you want.

We want SPM to be a visible presence, but more important, we want to encourage everyone to be thinking about including the patient and family in all the demonstrations next year.

More info later I hope.  For now, spread the word, and if you’re at HIMSS, mark your calendar!



Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
