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As regular readers know, this blog has long been friends with The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), especially because of its world-leading Patient Partnership campaign including the Patient Advisory Panel, which includes several SPM members and has an active discussion group for dialog between the editors and the panel.

One outcome of the patient partnership campaign has been the extraordinary essay series “What Your Patient Is Thinking.” They’re calling for new submissions. BMJ editor Tessa Richards submitted this request last week:

It would be very helpful if all of you who have not yet contributed to this series were to consider doing so; and think about colleagues in your network who have a good story to tell and might be interested in contributing. As you know the aim of the series is to use personal experience to draw out learning points for health professionals. We welcome discussing ideas, or early drafts in advance so please get in touch directly with Sally Carter (scarter at and she can send on guidance and thoughts etc

“Colleagues in our network” – that’s you, if you’re a patient! :)  Additional notes:

  • About WYPIT (“What your patient is thinking”)
    • A terrifically successful series introduced by The BMJ in 2015.
    • The aim is to use patients’ personal experience to draw out learning points for health professionals.
    • Length: ~650 words. Series archive is here
    • All articles are published open-access (no paywall – anyone can read)
  • The series home page has helpful guidelines, e.g.
    • “Articles can be about any aspect of patient care and experience.”
    • “should give healthcare professionals and policy makers something to take away and put into practice.”



Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
