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In my previous post I noted that Vince Kuraitis and David Kibbe are running an excellent series, “Is HITECH Working?”* After a full year of increasing tensions, claims, and counterclaims, reading these posts has given me hope that it’s all panned out into something mortals can understand. (I’d been afraid to look!)

In a day or two I’ll be submitting the next entry in the series, on disruptive innovation – patient driven disruption. It’s a wonderful moment in our history when two of the best minds in health IT predict this is what’s coming.

But it means we have work to do. So if you’re into health IT, please catch up on this series – it’s clearly written:

The opening post is here; it introduces their seven observations. Nowhere have I seen it segmented this way:

  1. Hospitals are grumbling but are playing in the game; success is not guaranteed. (April 2)
  2. Key physicians will sit on the sidelines (at least for now). (April 5)
  3. ONC got it right on the 3 major policy issues: Meaningful Use, Certification, Standards (April 14)
  4. While most attention has been focused on demand side incentives (will doctors and hospitals buy EHRs?), the supply (vendor) side of health IT is already transforming. (April 19)
    —– Next up: —–
  5. “Gimme my damn data!” The stage is being set to enable patient-driven disruptive innovation.

I encourage you to dive into their series, with gusto. They’ve plowed through hundreds of blog posts and digested all the regulations, and what they’ve written is clear and goes down easy.
* HITECH: Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health act. HITECH is part of the 2009 ARRA economic stimulus bill


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e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
