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The cross-disciplinary smorgasbord that is Gov 2.0 Expo will be held this week in DC.  The agenda is packed with nerdy temptations (danah boyd! Anil Dash! Tim Berners-Lee!) but here are my can’t-miss sessions.

Apps for America Contest Winners – Clay Johnson of Sunlight Labs will present the awards. (Check out the submission by hometown and e-patient favorites Regina Holliday and Ted Eytan.)

Open Government Ninja 101: Skills, Strategies, and Stealth – David Hale will tell the inside story of Pillbox, the result of a partnership between the National Library of Medicine and the Food and Drug Administration. (I saw an early prototype at HealthCampDC and resolved to get on Twitter so I could follow David & the others at that meeting — it was that transformative.)

Collaborate, Build, Deploy, Repeat: The Next-Generation Emergency Response Platform – Andy Carvin, Noel Dickover, Patrick Meier, John Crowley, Heather Blanchard, and Walton Smith will explain how online tools can be deployed to help people caught in catastrophic disasters worldwide. (Check out Crisis Commons for a preview.)

An App We Can Trust: Lessons Learned in Post-Katrina New Orleans – Denice Ross will show how her team used U.S. mail delivery data to create an ad hoc neighborhood census so services could be sent where they were needed most. (What are some other unexpected sources of data which might transform health care delivery?)

Healthcare Needs a RedesignJay Parkinson, now of The Future Well, will talk about what the government can do with technology to foster change in health and medical care. (Jay always blows people’s minds and I bet this will be no exception.)

How Open Data Can Improve America’s Health – Todd Park, CTO of the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, will light up the place with his enthusiasm for his topic. (Catch his act – and count the “mojo” references – in this video with Aneesh Chopra. Wait, I mean Aneesh Chopra!)


Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

Susannah Fox

Susannah Fox is the Entrepreneur in Residence at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She has contributed to this blog since its inception. Follow her on Twitter: @SusannahFox
