SPM member Brian Ahier posted this petition notice – and call for comments to the government – on the SPM member listserv. Written by Dave Chase of Avado, it deserves public attention.
ONC: Strengthen the Patient Engagement requirements of Stage 2 Meaningful Use
Why this is important: Nothing would result in improving the health of the population (and decrease healthcare costs) more than having greater involvement/engagement by individuals in the healthcare process. The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) could catalyze an unprecedented wave of innovation with a stroke of a pen. Having high expectations for Patient Engagement will allow healthcare providers to rise to the occasion to solve this huge issue. Consider that 3/4 of healthcare spend is on chronic disease and decisions that drive outcomes are made by individuals (aka “patients”). It’s long been said the most important member of the care team is the patient. It’s time to transform that from a catchphrase to reality. The ONC can do that.
Signing this petition is good. The most impactful item, however, is to comment on the government website for Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements at http://www.regulations.gov/
#!submitComment;D=CMS-2012- .0022-0001
I hit the link to public comment and it led me to an error page…
The correct link is in David’s article in techcrunch http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/15/government-poised-to-provide-a-huge-boost-to-healthtech-startups/
Warning: Attempt to read property "avatar_manager_avatar_type" on bool in /home/pmed/public_html/wp-content/plugins/avatar-manager/avatar-manager.php on line 1092
Oh shoot, you gotta remove the period in the URL. I’ll fix that. Thanks for reporting it.