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Medicine X "Year of doing" graphicThere can be no question that Stanford Medicine X is, head and shoulders, the most patient-oriented medical conference in the world. Susannah Fox first wrote about it here in 2012 after the first annual event, and it’s gotten better every year. I agree with what she wrote about the event’s organizer, Larry Chu MD: “Larry appeared on stage on Day 3 in the same shirt worn by the volunteers, in their honor. Larry is the most thoughtful and generous person I know.”

In 2014 the BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal), one of the top journals in the world, announced its patient partnership. Last month BMJ Patient Partnership Editor Tessa Richards traveled to #MedX 2015 to share, in a short but powerful 12 minute speech, the specifics of the program. Here’s the video, and below are her slides.

It’s not just that the great e-patient awakening is happening and spreading; the highest levels of the medical establishment have endorsed the shift. In 2012 the Institute of Medicine wrote that the future of medicine must include “Patient/Clinician Partnerships” and explicitly said “Empowered, engaged patients.”

Her slides:

Please share this widely, especially if anyone expresses skepticism that the patient revolution is real.

Production note: Due to a mixup at the event, the wrong slides were displayed. Happily, SPM member Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey) is a former network news geek and did a fabulous job of editing the video (and inserting the right slides!) to create this final edition. Thanks, Casey!


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e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
