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The Journal of Participatory Medicine has published a new case study entitled “Autonomy in Jeopardy: Contrasting Participatory Health Models with Patient Decision Making Under Mental Health Law.” The authors examine the problem of how to achieve patient participation in societies where people with mental illness can have their decision making power overridden by mental health law. The study looks at the situation in the state of Victoria, Australia.


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Kathleen O'Malley

Kathleen O'Malley has served as the Managing Editor of the Journal of Participatory Medicine since 2010. Before that, she worked as an acquisitions editor and managed the Publishers’ Circle journal licensing program at Medscape for many years. She was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in 2008 and continues to thrive, thanks in great part to a caring group of surgeons, physicians, nurses, social workers and fellow survivors who all practice participatory medicine.
