What news to wake up to – SPM’s “resident artist” Regina Holliday is in Newsweek. It’s not a happy story – nothing about her story is – but it’s good to see such things getting the visibility they deserve.
The article, by Overtreated author Shannon Brownlee, is The Doctor Will See You – If You’re Quick. The subtitle is “Feeling like your doctor is rushed, distracted, or just doesn’t care? You’re not alone, and it may be hurting your health and your pocketbook.” It starts with the story of Regina’s first visit with her husband Fred to a doctor, who was uncaring and rushed.
Factoids in graphics:
- 7 out of 10 doctors reported that since beginning their practices, the bond with their patients has eroded.
- The average primary care physician takes on 28% more patients than is recommended to ensure quality medical care
- 10%: The average decrease in primary-care physicians’ income between 1995 and 2003
- 23 seconds: the average amount of time a patient has to explain symptoms before being interrupted by a doctor
- 10% of prescriptions written by doctors outside a hospital contained at least one error
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