SPM members Janice McCallum and Pat Rioux are also members of the New England chapter of HIMSS, the gigantic Health Information Management Systems Society. They have arranged a special deal for SPM members: free admission to their March 29 meeting (if you register by 3/18).
SPM co-founder e-Patient Dave will be the featured speaker. The topic is a mixture of two hot topics in the world of patient-driven health data:
#WeAreNotWaiting meets #GMDD:
Withholding our data cannot last!
- WeAreNotWaiting is the potent and blunt hashtag of the community of diabetes patients and developers who are taking matters into their own hands, with the #NightScout cloud data project and the #OpenAPS project.
- If you don’t know those hashtags, google them – they’re an astounding example, real and live today, of what becomes possible when healthcare goes digital.
- This is Eric Topol MD’s visionary 2014 book The Patient Will See You Now, coming alive fast enough to make healthcare’s head spin. (And that’s a good thing!)
- #GMDD is the hashtag for our familiar cry “Gimme My DaM Data.” (DaM = “data about me.” The back story & music video are here.)
Event details:
- Date: March 29
- Time: 6-8 pm
- Location: Microsoft NERD (New England R&D Center), 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge.
- Event links: NEHIMSS event page; or jump straight to the registration page on EventBrite
- Non-member prices and “Promotional Code” (see illustration at right)
- Up to March 18: non-member $15; use SPMEarly to register free (save $15)
- After: non-member $25; use SPMLate to register for $10 (again, save $15)
Thanks to Pat for arranging the special deal!
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