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Update 6:33pm ET: the Storify feed wasn’t working. Should be fixed now.

What a rocket ride it’s been for Xeni. Tuesday morning we reported on the BoingBoing co-editor’s unexpected breast cancer diagnosis 12/9, and her odyssey reading her scan data. (CDs didn’t come with software; in a few hours with Twitter help she’d downloaded OsiriX and was pushing her way through it.) Then she discovered her bone scan included a distinctly male body part, because (as the comments told later), the doc’s system has a crappy UI, making it easy to mix up the images.

Nice, huh? But she did the right thing: she’s engaged in it, she’s doing the “gimme my damn data” thing, and she got it straightened out.

Her first MRI the other day was a horrible experience: she was given no warning of how loud and claustrophobic it would be, and the technician empathetically scolded her for not being a good patient. Sweet. This led to rapid crowdsourcing of a “#firstMRI project” to help people learn in advance what to expect. (See yesterday’s post here.) I suspect this is gonna be a big deal in 2012.

Well, for her second MRI Xeni took her business elsewhere – found a much better machine and nicer people. By now, in four days Xeni has gone from being a total newbie to a totally empowered data-toting e-patient. Here’s today’s harvest from her tweets. (This is aggregated using Storify, btw, which is a pretttty danged slick tool for harvesting content from all over creation, including tweets.)

Would anyone out there like to say, “Patients, stay off the internet”?

Here’s hoping Xeni’s fame and following will create a big honkin’ wave of newly engaged, empowered patients out there. Let’s move this movement out beyond our healthcare circles – take it to the streets!



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e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
