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Today at 3 pm ET, at the Precision Medicine World Conference  #PMWC17 in Silicon Valley, a new open collaboration called Precision Medicine For Me was announced, to help patients and clinicians everywhere make the most of the potential of precision medicine. Our Society for Participatory Medicine is an enthusiastic supporter.

Conceived just 12 weeks ago, “PMFM” is not incorporated – it’s a joint effort of many organizations to make the latest information available about precision medicine to patients at no charge. The initial focus is on lung cancer, for two reasons: it’s the biggest killer and has the most advanced information about oncogenes and targeted treatments, which are what precision medicine is all about.

A prominent figure in the movement is our Society’s member Janet Freeman-Daily (right), who is an absolute poster child for how precision medicine can work. Be sure to watch her 1:37 video, one screen down on the home page. Here’s the key quote:

“If you have lung cancer, learning about precision medicine and making sure you get the right test could give you years of good living.”

The rest of the site is self-explanatory. Participate!

Disclosure: Although this post is on behalf of the officers of our Society, some people have asked that I note that I’m a paid advisor to, which is one of the initiators (with Patient Power) of this project. (Specifically, I’m “special advisor for patient perspectives.”) As the PMFM site’s “Who are we” section says (below Janet’s video), “All of our services are donated, and any funding we receive is used to cover out-of-pocket costs to further the initiative.” See also the press release.


Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
