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Ah, social media. On Facebook a couple of hours ago, Swedish SPM member Sara Riggare posted:

Capture of Sara's initial Facebook post

Responses were quick and robust:

  • “Web MD has an app that you can download that I use. I find it pretty useful.” – Mark Burek
  • “That’s a sticky question. I tried Caresync ([SPM member Amy McFall Gleason’s app) and thought it useful. I think I’ll check out the app Mark recommended.” – SPM member Casey Quinlan
  • Have you tried Family Medical Manager?” – Pernilla Jackson
  • “Although I’m not a user with active conditions to manage, I’m strongly drawn to Hello Doctor. I was an advisor for a short time but withdrew because I wanted to be able to talk about it, unencumbered. A big limiting factor is that it’s iPad-iPhone only.” – me
  • “We should include the blog post by Society for Participatory Medicine president-elect Nick Dawson, “Evernote is my EMR.” – me

In minutes the idea arose of starting a discussion here on the blog – a much better place than Facebook for a discussion you want to return to. Then this:

Amy, I’m thinking this could become a totally unguided exploratory spreadsheet (Google Doc), with features down the left side and products across the top. It may soon become too big to be usable so something fancier is needed, but we could start.

So here we are:

This is a spontaneous project to collect thoughts on two things:

  • What good tools do we know of, to keep track of our own health information?
  • And by the way, what do we mean by “good”?? What features do we (the patients, the users, the ultimate stakeholder) say we want?

We’ll start with comments on this post. Game on!

By the way, we’ll welcome non-hype contributions from makers of such products. Give a short description of the product and link to its site. Our goal is to inform e-patients and families about their options – and about what factors to consider.



Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
