“The cure for anxiety is knowledge and preparation.”
That line is from the hip and edgy (and smart) Stanford doc @ZDoggMD in the amazing live conversation on YouTube he had with his 12 year old daughter last Friday. Here are some resources.
Society for Participatory Medicine’s COVID-19 Resources
Check out our resource page for COVID-19 information, support, and coping resources.
Peter Elias MD
On our SPM Connect member forum, life member & former board member-at-large Peter Elias MD, a retired family physician, posted the answers he’s been giving friends & family who ask his thoughts. I suggested the thoughts should have a broader audience, so he posted them on his personal blog.
Peter’s always been the kind of doc who believes in teaching people whatever they have an appetite for. Here’s how it starts:
The first question is: How bad will the coronavirus pandemic be in the US.
The short answer is, we don’t know – but it **could be** pretty nasty.
An important point, though, is that we are not helpless here. This is not like predicting a weather event where we cannot control where the hurricane goes or how strong it is. Our individual and societal behaviors will have a big impact on what happens.
Additional thoughts and resources:
- Seven million people have already viewed COVID-19 Update: A Message From Concerned Physicians, by Orthopedist Howard Luks (@HJLuks) with Bryan Vartabedian @Doctor_V and five other doctors. (The total includes 5 million on KevinMD, where it’s been re-shared two million times.)
- KevinMD has a list of his broad range of other physician commentary. If you want to convince skeptics that there really is a problem, that link alone is useful.
- The World Health Organization has a good Advice For Public page, including (lower down) some social media tiles (“memes”) worth sharing.
Thank you for these Dave. I would also highly recommend the streaming video of Governor Cuomo’s March 15th Coronavirus Announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj8UKPDziss&t=32s which I consider an excellent in depth review of the major issues associated with the Coronavirus pandemic. He starts out with the statement that the primary objective of government policy is”
“To slow the spread to a manageable healthcare rate”
And he also explains how he thinks about the pandemic and the policies that are necessary to address it.
So I highly recommend a listen to the first 31 minutes. After that it’s questions and answers where he primarily repeats his message.