Back in September, Jonathan Rauch of the National Journal wrote a terrific (fact-based!) send-up of our archaic, arcane, not-customer-centric healthcare system, titled “If Air Travel Worked Like Health Care.” I wish I’d known about it then, but I only learned of it recently, because a couple called “The New Altons” have made a great home-brew video of it, and posted it in YouTube.
Well, now it’s going viral, at least among the healthcare crowd on Twitter. Fasten your seatbelts.
The closing frame says it’s made by Mary & Peter Alton. It appears to be Twitter user @PeterAlton. Follow him, and thank him.
p.s. Never have I seen a better example of how an entertaining video can transform the reach of a good message.
of course if healthcare worked like the airline industry we would have to get to our appointments several hours in advance to be screened for contagious diseases, appointments and surgery would be canceled because the doctor maxed out on work hours or because the necessary equipment was unavailable, and of course there would be no emergency care- scheduled service only!
Clever! Please don’t overlook the fact that in Healthcare, “The Dr. does not go down with the patient”
There are huge downsides to centralized record keeping in medicine. For one thing, it can prevent you from being able to get care. Ask a patient who is a victim of an error or a crime in medicine. It takes very little for the perpetrator to paint you as a crank and signal the rest of the medical community not to diagnose your injuries lest the diagnosis be used in a complaint or suit. Then you cannot get treatment for the injuries. This is the routine in medicine when things go wrong. Centralized records can make it even easier to cover up problems. Still, we should be able to carry a dongle containing all the data they ask us to fill out every time we enter an office. How accurate are our memories about what surgeries we had in what years and how they were done?
The best part is the stuff about the privacy records. Informed consent is an albatross hanging around the neck of any efficiency in medical care provision.
The US Gov’t is killin’ us. Can’t the entire nation get that the health care bill absolutely will drive up taxes for all of us and even create new ones for all of us?
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And what does that have to do with this video?
Hilarious movie!
wow, really good video, Inspiring.
wow, the video is so cool!!